IndustryInsider is a referral service. We provide factual information only and we do not provide financial advice. We refer all enquiries that are initiated on this website to suppliers who are licensed to provide their respective products and quotes. On completion of our form, we will forward the information you have provided in the form to relevant suppliers for them to provide you with a quote and contact you about their products. You consent to us doing so by submitting the form. We receive marketing and referral fees from financial institutions for making these introductions. We don't recommend any products, services or providers. Although we cover a wide range of products and services we don't cover every product, provider or service available in the market and for some products or services we may not have a large selection of suppliers on board so there may be other options available to you. An supplier from whom we receive marketing and referral fees will contact you by telephone after you submit your form. During that telephone call, the supplier will discuss your options in more detail. During this call and other subsequent communications, you will be dealing with a third party and not IndustryInsider.
IndustryInsider does not guarantee the accuracy of information on the website or given in any other subsequent communication, including information provided by contributors or third parties at any particular time. You must not rely on this information to make a financial or investment decision. Before making any decision, you must seek professional advice to take into account your particular personal objectives, financial situation and needs. You must accept sole responsibility associated with the use of the material on this website and the information on this website is no substitute for financial advice.
By submitting your details on this website you agree with IndustryInsider using your details and supplying them to other organisations (who may be located overseas in a wide range of countries including but not limited to NZ, US, EU and Philippines), for purposes of: sending you information, offers and promotions about products and services (Offers) by mail, phone/SMS/MMS or email; incorporating Your Details in any information products and information management services to provide to IndustryInsider clients; and administering your details including improving and personalising Offers, verifying and assessing your identity, maintaining and updating records. We may also collect information from other sources such as your browser information from cookies and other technology to add to your details. You agree that we can use your details for an indefinite period or until you notify us or opt-out from receiving Offers.
We do receive marketing fees from organisations including financial institutions. You should always read their Terms & Conditions and any product disclosure statement before making any decision. By submitting your details on this site you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and have read and understood the Privacy Policy.
The mere collection and transmission of information is not considered "dealing" in a financial product or service under section 766C of the Corporations Act 2001.